this is the newest addition to our family, though she may be just temporary. we found her in our driveway the other night. she is a boxer puppy, i'm guessing just under a year old. we have used several resources to try and find her owners with no luck. she is already house broken and has such a sweet disposition. the only drawback is that we already have two adult dogs, a shepherd/pit mix named lucy and a basset hound named niles, and lucy can be somewhat territorial when it comes to other females.
we are going to name her either kaylee or penny. kaylee after the mechanic in the
shortlived tv show firefly, penny after desmonds girlfriend in the tv show lost. we're sort of sci-fi nerds. feel free to cast your vote.
i promise the next post will have something to do with pots.
My wife and I loved Firefly. So we vote Kaylee. She looks like a sweet dog. Best wishes, Michael
Oh keep her puh-leeeese! She is adorable and boxers are the best. I also vote Kaylee.
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