Thursday, August 14, 2008

1:15...and done.

for all you nay-sayers. they still have to be slipped but they need to stiffen up a bit more.


Ron said...

You show 'em Brandon!

Deb said...

oh, my, god. I can not believe it. I don't get it, I work really hard and I NEVER could have gotten that done by 1:15. I think you might be leaving out the detail that you started at about 2am.

Kent Harris said...

Dude that ram press and slip casting equipment does a bad ass job....when are you going to apply your decals, paint, and oven bake them? You are no man...all machine.
hah, hah , hah .......seriously they look good. k

Keith said...

and your staff of 4 must have helped.

nice work.

brandon phillips said...

i started at about 9am, alone.usually that might've taken me the better part of the day, but for the sake of having a little fun for the blog i did it all in one sitting. trimming plates and bowls is easy, once you figure out the first couple they get done just as easily and quickly as they're thrown. mug handles take me FOREVER because i am so fickle with them, they're never good enough for me. teapots take about 15-20min to assemble.

i'm a very loose thrower&trimmer so i don't fuss, i just get it done. i used to do production dinnerware and i hated it but it was some of the best experience i've ever had.

Anonymous said...

Nice work and lookin' good! Oh to have that much studio time at a block. Well, there's tomorrow, but I'm firing a kiln... it's never the same with all the interruptions. Ah, well!