We had some nasty weather this past weekend, icy roads and such, so I didn't get as much done in the studio as I would've liked. I have about 50 pounds of clay left and I'll knock that out tomorrow and then it'll be time to start getting the kiln prepped for a late february firing...lord willing.
Here are some 8.5# vases. I don't do many vases and even then I really only have one shape so I tried some new things, I was really channeling warren with these guys. I also made some smaller vases with the cut and reattached sides and....well....that's not my thing so no photos of those guys.

3# bowls, aside from mugs these are my bread and butter.

I slapped a yunomi with a stick, it looked cool.

View from the bottom.

I cut the top of one of the aforementioned small vases and then thought it'd make an interesting cup so I put a bottom and a handle on it. Don't worry guys, my work isn't going in this direction. I call this guy my grad school mug, yeah, there's a bit of commentary there, don't get offended.

So long for now. Cheers!
i like the mark on your yunomi. bet that was fun to see how it trimmed up!
What a fun yunomi! Love it!
We've been playing "slap pot" for the local students lately too, but I'm totally digging your approach.
i dig the stick slapped yunomi
oooo love the spanked Yunomi, the mug too.
Keep on posting such articles. I like to read blogs like that. BTW add some pics :)
Wonderful pottery. What a great talent.
Soap Maker
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