Oval vase. Orange slip over white slip. I did a whole bunch of slip and glaze tests during the late summer/early fall, these were a couple that I liked and did a few pots with. I enjoy the contrast between these two.

Another oval vase.

Lidded jar.

Tall pitcher. Orange slip over tile 6.

Some mugs, all tile6 slip in different parts of the kiln.

Big lidded jar.

Some serving bowls.

Soup bowls, the bowls on the left are stacked rim to rim.

Amongst the tests I did this summer/fall I was looking for a new liner glaze. I used a variation of the old 442 ash glaze for a long time but it just wasn't versatile enough and it was this terrible pond scum sort of yellow when it would get blasted with salt. I used that glaze as a base and changed things, added/subtracted things, etc. I used the salt kiln to test because it gives a very similar atmosphere to the wood kiln. I had several tests that showed promise and then used a couple in larger batches to help ultimately decide what glaze I would use. This glaze is the one that I've chosen. It's a distant relative of 442, this one has no addition of iron so it's a bit lighter. It still yellows when the salt hits it but I like this yellow quite a bit. This glaze is also a little more versatile in the kiln. It looks good at cone 8.5-9 all the way to 11 which is a common temp variation in my kiln.

I'll take photos of more pots later on. The etsy sale will go up Wednesday at 9am.
Holy crap I can't believe you have a price gun!!!
Pots look great man!!
The pots look great- i love the simple design- fits nicely with your work.
thanks guys.
ron-the price gun will change your life. it looks kinda corporate but i can price a couple hundred pots in a few minutes.
The pots look great! congrats on a successful firing.
Wow! Sweet sweet pots. Hope the sale goes well. -Andy
Yep. Real good looking pots there, Brandon.
Beautiful!! Hope you will post some of these on etsy. Where did all the blue celadon pots go?
These pots look great!
If that lighter mug on the left hasn't sold yet put my name on it! These are all such beautiful pots.
nice. nice. nice. that white slipped lidded jar with the leaf on it is primo.
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