A few days ago I was throwing some pallets over a fence and I did something to my shoulder, I wrenched it somehow, a sprain maybe. Being in the business of physical labor I'm used to injury and I tend to bounce back pretty quick. This one hurt pretty bad, I've had a hard time sleeping with it. I've had a hard time working the last couple days, haven't gotten much done really. I was supposed to fire off the wood kiln on Tuesday but I can't lift a kiln shelf or chop firewood so maybe in another week. I don't think it's anything serious but it is rare that the pain stays around this long. I've realized that I'm at a point in my life where metabolism has slowed, injuries heal slower, long days are felt the next morning. I'm at a point where I need to take better care of myself, the invincibility of youth has fallen by the wayside. Saybra and I eat well but we don't exercise enough, we work too much-too long. Unfortunately an end to that lifestyle is far off in the distance. So it is. I will get back in the studio tomorrow and make some smaller items since my clay is just starting to come out of the racks, maybe do a little glazing too.
Here was the last of my clay a few days ago, 3 5# pitchers and a 10# pitcher. The deco is evolving, I like these.

These are little slab dishes that could be used for whatever, spoon rest, soap dish, etc. I make about 12-15 at a time and I decorate them all differently. It's a way to try new things without having to worry whether or not you're ruining a nice piece. These are cut from a block of clay with notched sticks as opposed to rolling out slabs. I can cut 15 of these in about 2 minutes.

When I make large pieces I use an electric wheel in the classroom. Our heat is off or broken or something so I dusted off my brent that has been tucked away in a corner of my studio for 2 years. Still runs like a champ.

Lucy of course likes to keep me company, getting to ride to the studio is one of her favorite things.

nice work mr p and company too thats cool....i like the deco transitions with the nice grouping...
watch out for that shoulder.
It can be a bear for getting in the way- look up some PT for your self to stretch it out.
Love how the pots are piling up- hope you get to fire soon.
I hope that wasn't a rotator cuff injury, Gary's shoulder has never been the same after a couple of re-injuries, be careful, muscles take a real long time to heal.
It could be that you've developed bursitis. It responds well to ice but I don't think an unheated studio is the same as a good ice pack.
Feel better soon.
We don't get younger...
but the work just gets better and better.
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