Saybra came with me out to the kiln and snapped a couple of photos with her phone.

This is part of the bone yard, pots that cracked or chipped and have been given pre-retirement leaned up against the wall.

Unbricking the kiln.

A very good firing.

A winner, about 15" tall.

Sweet one, Brandon.
ahhh, nice to be able to fire all year 'round! we have to wait for at least april to get another one in...
Looks really good Brandon!! I know you're pleased and relieved.
Looks like a real winner, Brandon...lovely color tones. How would describe your reduction...I'm still making too many dark pots. Well done!
I shoot for neutral or just barely on the reduction side of neutral. The trick I've learned is to try and avoid black smoke, light gray - dark gray is ok but i've found black smoke = dark pots(too much reduc.)
The previous couple of firings had been a little dark for my tastes so I made some small changes. This last firing I used a little less wood per stoke and opened up the dampers a little more. I usually leave them 2/3 open but this time around I had them from 3/4-7/8 open. I paid attention to the color of the smoke coming from the stack, I figured out how to stoke and get temp gain but avoid dense black smoke(i use a pyrometer.) It seemed to work and I'm much more pleased with the color in this firing. I'm firing again in a couple weeks so I'll have the opportunity to make sure that this wasn't a fluke.
What a beautiful sight, warm toasty pots and white snow, how cool is that!
I use my little jar of yours every day, thinking I should have a mug to go with it. Sell pots, buy pots, that's my motto :)
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