Since I've found my camera I can give some photographic evidence to prove that I'm still a potter. I'm pretty well stocked so for this cycle I've decided to give more attention to my runs of pots. Ususally each firing is a cycle and I try to pack the kiln with a diverse selection of pots which means that I'll make 3-4 baking dishes, 1-2 platters, 10 plates...etc. This works well for me because I'm not one for making dozens of the same thing in one sitting, I've done that and I'm over it. The bad side is I don't really get to explore some forms extensively. So this time around I'm making a bunch of everything. I remember a quote by John Glick that I try to live by:"I prefer productivity to production pottery." Or something like that. Basically he was saying that he makes lots of pots but gives each its due attention rather than busting out 100 of the same thing.
Dessert plates and steins.

Tall footed yunomi and a jug. I'm excited about these guys, I think there are some nice things happening here.

Baking dishes.

And more baking dishes.

Big bowls and bigger platter/bowls.

Here is something new I've tried...layered slips with wax in between. I did a couple like this but this is my favorite. I spent more time waxing the lines than making the piece.
When I try new things I have a tendency to do it on larger/time consuming pieces, none of this testing on small pieces. Go big or go home, succeed big or fail big. Eh, what the's just clay right?
I, too, am known to slap a brand new test on my favorite and/or biggest pot. I think that those pots with that extra layer of investment are where contemporary pottery resides these days; it's often where our work gets it's distinctive personality.
I am a line fan!! lovely..
also like the productivity idea with your energy well spent enjoying the making rather than speed throwing for the sake of it..
proof! you have been working- love the lines.
My wife - project manager - says,
"How can you do that?" when I try some new technique on a big pot. I know what you mean.
I like the wax resist plate you did. I'm in a weird place right now with this new wood fire kiln. I feel like I've got too much to learn and not enough time, and a huge portion of my previous understanding of clay is laying dormant while I try to catch up to and realize what this new pallete has to offer.
hey brandon, that platter with the layered slip using wax looks like it's gonna be a winner. i know where you're coming from as far as spending more time decorating than making the piece. i think we have a belgian customer in common... sold a beer glass to gianluca and he sent me a link to his blog post where he featured a mug he got from you.
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