She's just guarding her nest of little babies and probably ate her mate; what could be so bad as that? HA. I used to find them all over the place in California. I couldn't stand to squish them so Gary did the honors.
One of these was living in the mailbox for a few days. I felt bad for the mail carrier but I was hoping she'd just move away. It was a good excuse for not getting the bills anyway.
Holy Crap! That's where I draw the line on not killing things, that sucker must be squished!!
Good GOD. What is that?!
WE have those babies here as well- I have found them under my kitchen sink!
I 'm with Tracey on this one!
She's just guarding her nest of little babies and probably ate her mate; what could be so bad as that? HA. I used to find them all over the place in California. I couldn't stand to squish them so Gary did the honors.
hey that looks like a redback! apart from the length of those legs....potent?
An itsy bitsy spider ran up the kiln again. Turned on the kiln and cooked his little ass.
Spiders no problem the other things you mentions scare the bejesus out of me.
One of these was living in the mailbox for a few days. I felt bad for the mail carrier but I was hoping she'd just move away. It was a good excuse for not getting the bills anyway.
Keep it as a pet....then when people aren't interested in your pots, show them your new pet.....maybe they would rather hold a deadly spider.
AAAAACCCCCKKK! None of those suckers up here!! Another reason you gotta' love living in the FAR NORTH of ALASKA!
YucK!!!!! Run away run Away!!
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