Don't they look ferocious?

I made some pots this last week and have loaded up the salt kiln. I'm short on platters and yunomi for a show this weekend so I thought I'd knock some out before then. Firing on Wednesday but have to be there on Friday by 3....the pots might still be a little warm. The show is the Llano Estacado Wine and Clay Festival just outside Lubbock, so if you're in the area come drop by.
Ang asked how the homemade castable we used in the salt kiln has held up. We've only fired it once and it seemed to hold up just fine. I'm not expecting much long term but for now it's fine.

I have several ideas for content I just need to get the time to blog it. I'm teaching a summer class right now and I have several advanced students. Since it's only 5 weeks it's fairly intensive time-wise. One of these days things will get back to normal, oh crap...what if this is normal? Yikes, better go.
I think it is normal.... the life you choose :) beautiful carpentry work there! Nice to see ya back
thanks for the pic, it looks good i like the 'expansion spacing' you put in..
nice work there on the house.
You will enjoy it all so much when it is done.
Sometimes pots just have to wait.
I know the feeling! The only thing I have been able to make lately are the buttons for my drum kiln.
The house looks great! Nice open spaces...
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