Most of these pots are from the most recent firing in mid-February, the others are from the previous firing in January. I will be posting these and many others to my
etsy page on Monday, they'll be up at 9am.
Jug...about 1/2 gallon.
Small lidded jar.
Large serving bowl.
Small dish/bowl
Slab molded dish.
Dessert plate
Dessert plate
Mug, nice flashing on this guy.
I'm putting up about 6 yunomi on etsy.
I knew I should have got you to unpack all those boxes when you were here!! Nice work. Digging that slab dish.
I'm hung-up on your canister lids... sweet, sweet, sweet.
If that covered jar is in my price range I've got to get it! (Email me to see if I can afford it, and if I can it will save you the bother of posting it.) I have wanted a jar of yours for a while now, and this one is a beaut. Since that Michael Simon hut jar of mine crumbled a few weeks ago I have needed a replacement, and this one should do just fine. How's that for a compliment?
Thanks for making such great pots!
man. nice stuff. seriously.
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