Some exciting news for those of you who don't follow me on facebook: I've started work on my MFA this spring. This has been in the works for almost 2 years but it seems the stars finally aligned and I was able to get the ball rolling. I've been teaching as an adjunct for 3 years now and in order for me to be able to teach fulltime I will need to have my MFA. The logistics are a bit of a nightmare, I'm teaching and working here and making the occasional commute to school which is 3 hours away. I probably won't have too much to share about this here but I feel I owe my readers an excuse for my occasional long absences.

I got the hat so I guess I'm legit now.
Congrats on getting started! I hope it turns out to be a fantastic experience for you. I wish I could find an MFA program that would accept me at my age...
You can probably teach your teachers a thing or two! Enjoy the ride!
Where can I get that hat!!!???!! I love it, after quitting my job to make pots full time in 2006, it could be said that I have an mfa, as in the 'study of Making Functional Art'.
you get a hat??!!!! get to it phillips... head down :))
Rock on dude...hope your firing is the best yet!
Congratulations! That is awesome Brandon. I am very happy for you.
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