Today I mixed up about a dozen test slips for the next firing and made enough cone packs and trays for 3 firings. I use 11 cones, 08,05,03,01,1,3,5,7,8,9,10, per spyhole(x4 spyholes) per firing...thats a lot, but it's the only way to make sure the old gal fires evenly. The little trays keep the melted cones from dripping on and ruining things. I still have to make some test rings and then I'll bisque it all, the cones to 012 or lower so they don't start to melt. I bisque them so I don't have to worry about them blowing up if I fire too fast.

I nerded out a little today and wore one of my favorite t-shirts to the studio. Ok, I wore it yesterday too...I was feeling nostalgic.

Thanks for the comments on the previous post...I enjoyed what everyone had to say. I like those sorts of interactions so we may have to do some more of that. If anyone wants to throw their 2 cents in, feel free.