Friday, February 8, 2008

its always something

it feels like years since i've been able to get into the workshop. work keeps me away during the day and the cold keeps me away at night. my workshop is unheated so late nights during winter aren't happening. i've also been sick off and on since october. i've been out of commission this whole week due to what i'm guessing has been the flu. yesterday my body hurt so bad that i couldn't even get out of bed, but today i feel that i'm on the mend. i have two shows coming up on back to back weekends in april so i need to get the kiln going. which means that i have to get this pile of lumber cut.
i can gather a pile like this in a few hours on a saturday afternoon. i believe this was five truckloads. its hard to tell because of the angle, but that pile is nearly four feet high. the lumber nearest the truck was a lucky score, about 200 pieces of fence that were too crooked to be used. the builder recieved a credit for them and was just going to toss them. i don't think people realize the vast amount of waste created while building a house. i am able to gather more than enough wood from 2 or 3 house sites in an afternoon, and i am being picky about the lumber i am taking(no nails, concrete residue, etc.) over the last few months i have also collected enough waste and culled lumber to add a covered porch and master bath onto the back of our house. it is such a wasteful industry, but i am glad that i can do my part to help reduce a small part of that waste.
we're looking at some time off in the next week or two so i'll try to do a couple firings and get some more work produced.
stay healthy.

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