Anyways, back to business. I have about 1200 pounds of clay in the racks right now, the batch outside is just about ready and the batch inside will need a few more days. I also have a small batch of porcelain reclaim that will be ready in a few days as well.

I have been messing around in the woodshop the last couple days working on my treadle wheel. I had to redo a few pieces after the green lumber fiasco but I now have all the pieces for the frame finished. The plans call for this whole thing to be able to be disassembled and held together with bolts. I had a few joints that I felt were questionable so I felt that gluing this part of the frame together and bolting the rest would be the best solution for me. The problem with gluing the whole thing together is 1) it's freakin heavy, and 2) at 34" wide it will only fit through 36" doors. This seemed to be a decent solution for me though it'll take up some real estate when we move some day.
I'm teaching a summer class that will start on Monday. That will keep me occupied in the mornings and I hope to make enough pots to fire at the end of June. I'm thinking of making some pots for a redux. firing in the middle of June, we'll see if that happens. The showroom is looking really empty right now which I suppose is good in a way, so I'd better get cracking.
So long for now.