I was invited to participate in the Carbondale Clay Center cup auction, I'm third from the right. Hanging out next to Val Cushing.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that when you make 52 pots, you have to slip and decorate 52 pots.
Hoban and Kaylee. I was amused by their symmetry.
My mother has good taste in pots. I snapped this when I was at their home for Thanksgiving. 3 potters from 2 states here, know who they are? Remember that I was born and raised in Minnesota...

The showroom before the first weekend of the homesale. Cold and dreary doesn't make for good crowds. Supposed to be colder and drearier this weekend. Damn.
Sometimes my students are...well...dense. Let's go with that.
Laying down the law with my ceramics 1 students.Cheers!
Hey there, Brandon. I'm on FB, but there are about a million other "friends" on there, too. Everyone posts so many things that it's hard to isolate stuff like your pots. Glad to see them here, though.
It's like my own personal blog since I'm the only one on the planet that refuses to be on spacebook!!
That's a big ass sign you got there :) good luck, hope you sell lots of those beautiful potteries.
Totally stealing your poster for Sunderland Uni students, they need some rules laid down!
The large platter on the right looks like one of yours.
Could the middle one be Warren?
Nope and nope. None are mine.
My wife just signed me up for the Facebook. I'm not entirely happy about it, but I suppose it can be used as an effective marketing tool.
And I am diggin' the second sign. I have seen way too many bad pots make it to the kiln. Do you get many students bitching about pots that get tossed?
digging it all. As Pilcher would say, "Keep On!"
the middle one is willem gebben. mackenzie on the right?
yes and no.
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