freshly slipped yunomi and mugs.

baking dishes, they were too wet to slip today.

baking dish handle detail.

teapot handle. when i was in college i had an excellent drawing teacher who went on and on about the quality of lines and how lines make the drawing and so on. i've always kept those ideas in mind when it comes to gesture lines and where things are attached. not only does it create a bit of a visual interruption(in a good way i think) but it also gives a nice place for slips and glazes to break and accentuate the attachment. they're also a nice compliment to the way i thumb over the bottom edges, similar edges.

jury's out on this guy. this was a demo piece for my students. there final assignment was to make a piece that is assembled from two or more pieces, thrown or handbuilt or both(teapots, pedestal bowls, drastically shaped vases, etc.). i demonstrated a two part vase with a coiled and thrown rim. not sure if i like it, but thats why slip barrels exist, yeah?

this is my booth shot, i wanted to show my buddy kent the panels in the back. they are hollow core doors from lowes or home depot. there are three of them. two 36" doors hinged together and a 32" door at 90 degrees going back to brace them up. there are some custom brackets to hold the corners together that i'll have to get a photo of later. 1/4 the price of propanels.
I love your attachments. It's that attention to detail that makes a pot 'sing.'
The gallery looks great - I think a clean up crew is definitely called for! Students are always looking for extra credit.
Nicely done. I'm very impressed.
Felicidades ¡¡¡.....muy buenos trabajos, Joaki.
Love the demo pot- good character- looks lose and fun.
Building looks great!
Lovely pots and absolutely, that comment about lines. It's the almost microscopic lines on handles that give them spring and tension. Great stuff
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