ah, the show is over, time to relax. we had a good weekend, less people than i expected but more sales than i expected. definitely worth all the effort. we still have plenty of pots and will be open every saturday until christmas from 10-6 and if you can't make it then give me a ring because one of us is sure to be around. 325-660-3142. i'm finally going to give this etsy thing a try, give me a few days.

the homestead. house on the left, showroom on the right, studio behind the carport and the kiln is in the barn back in the distance.

showroom and some texas sky.


more pots.
these are what we still have so if anyone in the blog-o-sphere has to have something drop me an
email or call.
Glad you had a good sale! I'm sure glad it's all over on my end too.
BP: That's a beautiful picture of a beautiful building. I'm so so envious of what you've made. You should be proud of what you've made. Oh, and the pots are nice too!
I love love love your showroom!! I want one just like this. Going back a few posts to your handle attachment: I forgot to ask do you pull your handle off the cup or make the handle and then attach it? I really like the handles in the post. The point of contact with the mug looks great.
thanks for the kind words michael, i am very proud. the credit for the photo goes to the wife. i can't compose a photo to save my life.
tracey-i pull from the piece, i attach a lug and am very anal about the line where its attached and then its further defined while pulling. i fuss with my handles a bit, maybe i should do a photo demo.
I'm glad it went well. I wish we could have been there. Looking forward to the etsy site being up.
I have to agree. Your new gallery looks great. We're going to start working on converting a room of our new (to us) house into a gallery. Your pictures really strike some serious gallery envy in me though.
nice work
Your handle fussing pays off, they are really nice. I would love a demo some time, I have resorted to leaving them off of my cups, I get so annoyed. I fuss too much and end up with a mess.
I love the showroom, and the wife wins big credits for that beautifully composed picture of showroom and sky.
I love the pots too, warm, tactile looking.
I see one of your major influences up there at the top of the page, when i looked at some of your pots, I thought of him, and how his vision passes into others. I knew a guy who had been one of his students, I remember sitting out in the clear cold night, with a wine cup that fitted in my hand as if it grew there, talking, laughing, taking turns to feed a bourry box and split wood, thinking of the process by which the knowledge passes on through the ages, yet added to by every new potter who takes it and shapes it anew.
Nice show building!
Hey, your ceiling/roof wouldn't work here in Minnesota! I was awarded a Minnesota State Arts Board grant and am going to insulated the garage for a studio, but with below zero weather, I am thinking I should buy the materials and wait for spring.
I had the front porch set up as a display area, but cleared it out because a 3 cubic meter shipment of pots/tools/wheel/books/are is arriving next month and I am going to put most of it out there (except for the art) until Jean gets here in the spring.
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