Here is a detail of how the wall ineracts with the arch. The walls are two bricks deep(9") and are half under/half outside the arch. This helps structurally to stabalize the arch as well creating a strong semi-airtight joint where the arch meets the wall(similar to a lap joint in woodworking).

The laborious task with catenary arches is the amount of brick cutting that is needed. But there is indeed nothing prettier than a catenary arch kiln, for me anyways.
WOW ! thats looking Good.
Almost ready to put some fire in there. And pots too!!
beautiful job!! I'm impressed!
always impressed by the building of your kilns.
I couldn't seem to find it on your blogs but I thought I read where you said you can't find wood in these hard economic, no construction times. I would suggest you try mill shops around Abilene. Texas Tech gets humongo loads from a local shudder manufactor. It comes in small pieces usually around 2"x2" and is kept together with banding straps. All they have to do is chainsaw it while it's still in the bundle to the firebox length. Did I mention they get it for free. That may be the way you can get, but if not, don't be afraid to pull out the "teacher card". By the way, the kiln is looking great. My soda kiln is moving way to slow. Keep an eye out for burners. I'm hoping to find used so I don't have to buy new.
are wanting forced draft buners? i can help you build the same burners that marc ward sells for a fraction of the cost. email me if you're interested.
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