This is how I transport my bisqueware back home. I just lay the ware boards in the back of my truck and hope for the best. It is about a 4 mile drive so it isn't too bad, a couple yunomi took a tumble there but they're ok. All the bigger stuff and pots that wouldn't be stable enough are packed into the cab. I had two full trips to bring home and I have a full bisque cooling right now. Most of this work is glazed already, it's easier to do it at the university. My ash glaze bucket is at home so pots like those bakers and some other pots will get glazed here. I also do any decoration work at home so it doesn't get compromised during the trip.
The reality of a firing is getting closer and closer. Only a couple weeks behind schedule, that's not too bad right?
I can't believe how uniform that chimney stack is - did you use a former? Have you seen Doug's chimney stack... quite the opposite to that one. Looking good anyway.
Kiln's looking good. I must say that the pot transport makes me nervous. Guess the roads aren't too bad where you are.
Hey the last time I built my salt kiln I was way short on brick for the stack. I ended up using soft bricks for the last 20 courses. It's held up well over the years.
just a tape measure and a level to make sure it stayed square and pumb.
the roads are ok, i take turns slowly and don't let myself get in situations where i have to break/speed-up heavily. only pots with a low center of gravity go in the bed, the rest go in the cab.
ron-the kiln i just tore down had soft brick above the roof but i reused it all in the kiln. i have a couple hundred 2300 ifb's that are broken but still whole bricks but i was afraid that left too many joints to expand and less structural stability(cracks over cracks)? they're whats left from that kiln i tore down in austin. i think i may pass them on to someone else who could put better use to them. i can get cheap fireplace brick for around .70-.80 each. but you probably know as well as me that jan/feb are "broke-ass-poor" months for the potter. until then i'll "borrow" a few from the univ.
The Kiln is Looking Great,
I love the shot down the Flue.
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