I recently spotted this cup on
Hollis Engleys blog and tried to purchase it, he insisted we trade and a few days ago it arrived. The cup is at home and my camera is at school so this photo is off his blog. When it comes to teabowls/yunomi(whatever you want to call them,) Hollis gets it...I think thats all that needs to be said. This has gone into rotation and has quickly become one of my favorites.

Thanks Hollis!
That is a sweet one!
You're right that some people either get it or they don't. I really struggle with the form. But I keep trying!
You are right, Hollis gets it! His is one of the first blogs I ever came across and loved his work immediately. Love the cup!
Thanks, all, for the nice words. I've loved making teabowls since an early Phil Rogers workshop. Glad it got there intact, Brandon. Yours spends more time being used than sitting in the cabinet.
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