Here are a bunch of pots that I trimmed/assembled/handled today. I've made about 180 pieces in the last 2 weeks, not too shabby. I have about 30 pieces left from the last cycle and together that gives me more than enough for a firing. I am lacking some tall pieces for the top shelves in the kiln so I'll do a few of those and then start getting the kiln ready. It's amazing to me how I always seem to be ahead of schedule when there are no looming deadlines. Out of the 180ish pieces there are 61 with pulled handles...that seems like a lot, it felt like I was doing handles every day. As I ponder though...I think 50-60 is about normal for a cycle, so nevermind.

5# pitchers and 4# square vases.

I love those squared off vases in the second picture. Simple yet still very appealing.
I like the pitchers. The handles are perfect.
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