In true Texan fashion we have had an old refrigerator sitting in our carport for about a year and a half(at least it wasn't on the porch!) We got a new one awhile back and I'd been saving this guy to store clay in. After I took the university job and moved my studio up there it's just been sitting all alone unused. Now I have over 2000# of mixed clay with another 1200# on the way and not enough space to use barrels to store it all so I brought the fridge up to the school. I removed everything inside and sealed up all the little holes with silicone. I think it will hold about 8-900# and another 150-200 in the freezer. Classy.

"and another 150 in the freezer" I don't know why but that's really funny to me. Good use for an old fridge though...
Read where another potter had done the same thing with all of their pugged clay! You're upcycling! Reminds me of what people up here say -"you're not a real Alaskan until you have something in your yard covered with a Blue Tarp!"
That's Texas style? I thought it was Carolina style. Wait, Carolina style is storing it in an abandoned Buick covered in kudzu.
gotcha..! on that one been using the old fridge for clay storage for years.....
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